О GraalVM не слышал только ленивый: новые оптимизации, интеграция с Python/Ruby/JS и AOT-компиляция в нативный код. На любой JVM-конференции из каждого утюга рассказывают, как изменится наша жизнь к лучшему с приходом коммунизма^W этой технологии
Operations with Flink state are a common source of performance issues for a typical stateful stream processing application. One tiny mistake can easily make your job to spend most of a precious CPU time in serialization and inflate a checkpoint size to the sky. In this talk we’ll focus on a Flink serialization framework and common problems happening around it
Case class is a most widely used way to model your data. But when the data is huge, you can amazingly discover that only a tiny 10% of your precious RAM used for the data itself. But where is other 90%?